The Twelve Days of Cookies Project, Eight Maids a Milking
Today’s guest is none other than the gorgeous, talented Arty McGoo, one of two ladies {the other being Anne Yorks} that have brought me to tears with cookies. All I can say is prepare to be amazed because that’s Liz’s super secret magical power.
Are you ready? Me too.
On the eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, eight maids a milking by the wonderful Mrs. Arty McGoo!
Thank you so much Callye for inviting me to be a part of your 12 days of Christmas. I only lost half of my hair over this!
It all started innocently enough. I was thinking: folk inspired quilt squares with the maids a milking scattered over a serenely pastoral hillside. Then I got to thinking, “This is Ms. Sugarbelle, the queen of cutter repurposing! I can’t use my same old tricks of putting whatever I want on a square. I’ve got to think outside the cutter… well crud!” I am so bad at seeing things in other cutters, so this was the first time I sketched out my ideas before I put icing to cookie. A planner I am not, so this whole process was very different for me and I must say, I liked it!
I drew one milkmaid and found a cutter that would fit around her, but the rest of the seven I traced the cutters and sketched inside those boundaries and found that easier. I ended up hand cutting a cow, but other than that I used { L to R } baby rattle, bear, two upside down snowmen, two Christmas trees put together, a different snowman, and a fairy cutter.
Once I flooded the cookies to match my sketches I couldn’t leave well enough alone and had to pull out my paintbrush and food coloring. This technique is fun to bring out all the dimension and with a little practice, anyone can do it. Here are a few painting tips to help along the way:
* Use a new paintbrush. NOBODY likes cookies with essence of turpentine… ’nuff said!
* My palette is full of dried Wilton food coloring so it’s just like using watercolors. Don’t get me wrong, I love Americolor, but Wilton is better for painting and drying as it has a more paste-like consistency. I do not dilute them, but rather wet my paintbrush and take the color onto my brush as I need it. That way you can control how deep your color is and it’s easy to mix little quantities.
* Think “watercolor” not “oil painting”. You don’t want to see any texture with your food coloring “paint”. That is a recipe for disaster as all your hard work will never dry and be a complete smear-fest. It should be washes of color and no gloppy texture.
* I add a little corn syrup to my royal icing and it helps to create a nice canvas for painting. {about a scant TBSP of corn syrup to a 2 lbs of powdered sugar recipe}
* If you feel like there is too much color or you don’t like it, you can almost always erase. Just take a damp paintbrush, with no color on it, and “erase” off the part you don’t like. I say almost because once you work the frosting too much, it will begin to pit and break down.
* Finish off by dusting the cookies with a loose fluffy paintbrush and some flour. It sets everything nicely.
All right! Ready to try?
Start with a damp to wet paintbrush, take some food coloring onto your brush {I used brown} and run the bristles along the crevices and dimensions that you would like to add shadows or depth. Don’t be scared if it looks a bit heavy handed at first. You will be able to soften and blend with your damp paintbrush.
It’s amazing what a little antiquing can do for a cookie.

Be sure to check out the other projects in this series:
- Partridge in a Pear Tree Cookie
- Two Turtle Doves Cookie with The Cookie Artisan
- Three French Hens Cookie with Haniela’s
- Four Calling Birds Cookie with De Koekkenbaker
- Five Golden Rings with Ali-Bee’s Bake Shop
- Six Geese a Laying with Montreal Confections
- Seven Swans a Swimming with The Bearfoot Baker
- Nine Ladies Dancing with Klickitat Street
- Ten Lords a Leaping with Kim’s Mom, Susan
- Eleven Pipers Piping with Lila Loa
- Twelve Drummers Drumming with Glorious Treats
Happy painting and Merry Christmas!
Wow, wow, wow, just WOW! Amazing work Liz! Such gorgeous cookies and each one is absolutely perfect!
This is amazing,
I am almost rendered speechless. Oh my word, what a process! Well, I figure you don’t end up with cookies like these by cutting corners:) I love it every step of the way, Liz, especially the treasures you end up with.
Well…wow. This is a post I will come back to often…..I am amazed at what a little brown nan do… changed it entirely. You don’t have more before and after shot of all the cookies do you??? I loved seeing the transformation. Thanks callye and arty!!!!!
I’m almost speechless on this set! Such detail, creativity and beauty!! I’m in awe!!
Wow, wow, wow! I don’t know what else to say. What talent!
I can’t help but keep scrolling the browser up and down on this post! I could stare at the details on these cookies over and over again. Incredible job!!!
Holy Shiz!
How is that even possible…on a cookie!
This is the first time I’ve ever felt photo-cheated by a blog!
I want to see MORE of this set!
OMG LIiiiiiiizzzzz!! I love you and hate you at the same time. They’re gorgeous! Looks like illustrations out of a children’s book. So good!
Wow…there are no words! Simply beautiful!
You are amazing! These are some of the most beautifully crafted cookies I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing.
Ok, you’ve gone and done it again!!! THEY.ARE.AMAZING Liz!
So gorgeous! I love this technique of painting as a highlight. You are amazing, Ms. McGoo!
What an amazing set of cookies.
Thank you for sharing your technique with us, I can’t wait to give it a go. You are such an artist Liz.
“I heart Guacamole” everywhere I went! I perefr it homemade (My friend Scott makes some AWESOME Heavenly Guacamole or from Wholefoods.. with Pita Chips.. I think Avocados are the sexiest fruit.. because.. it doesn’t matter how lightly you touch them.. you get them on your fingers.. and that.. is sexy. I don’t like to call it “Guac” It loses it’s deliciousness by shortening it I feel Let’s all have some guacamole today! OHMMM er.. I mean.. YUMMMM!
I am in awe!! Although I see strawberry shortcake with the last one!
Amazing! Your cookie artistry always leaves me a little speechless Liz. Curious how you got your start? What did you paint before you turned to cookies, and do you still?
Merry Christmas. I always enjoy seeing what you create. You are a master!!!
For someone who never repurposed a cutter you’re pretty great at it I am guessing we’ll see more of this. Your paining style is really nice I was shocked at what the little brown lines did, it was like magic! The photo of all of them on the hill is a greeting card waiting to happen, great work.
Stunning. thatisall
I am in awe once again. If I ever met Liz in person I’d be just as I am whenever I see her creations…speechless!
Seriously… are AMAZING! Your cookies always have me with my mouth hanging open wondering how one person can have so much talent. I’m so glad for the tutorial on antiquing. I think I may give it a try….after a few shots of vodka to get my nerves up a bit.
These cookies are A-m-a-z-I-n-g! Awe inspiring. I can only hope to one da develop the talent it takes to create this art. Thank you for sharing. This 12 days of Christmas series is stunning.
Absolutely incredible! I could never eat these. They’re just too gorgeous. I’d have to varnish them and use them as tree ornaments. I’ve never seen anything like them. Truly remarkable, Sugarbelle!
Arty McGoo always blows my mind!! WOW! Each one of these is a masterpiece!!!! LOVE!!!!!!!
I’m speechless, too beautiful for words! <3
how can anyone possible eat your cookies?? These are amazing and would make great stocking stuffers.
Seriously? These are cookies that you would actually let someone eat? Please tell me they will be cherished forever!
These are absolutely amazing!
Oh, Liz! How I love thee and thy paintbrushes… You’re so terrific. Thanks, Callye, for inviting all these awesome cookiers to do this project!
All I can say is OMG! That’s it!
I have no words for this… These cookies are breathtaking little works of art… I’m still trying to recover!
Pun not intended: HOLY COW!!!! WOW!!! Well, this is going to my this evening’s cookie decorating look rather uninspired in comparison. 🙂
WOW! How did you get the eyes so great! I mean the whole set is fantastic but the eyes1!!!! I mean Arty these are fabulous!
Absolutely amazing. I keep going back over each photograph because I cannot believe how wonderful these cookies are …thank you for sharing these with us.
Beyond amazing, just far beyond. These are all so gorgeous and I love seeing how you did it even though there is just no way ever 😉 Thanks for sharing your amazing talent Liz! Cristin
I’ve been a secret stalker of yours for a long time now (I swear not in a creepy way… I’m an avid reader, but not a big commenter…), but I’ve now been staring at this page for about 10 minutes in pure awe. Seriously the most beautiful cookies I’ve ever seen. You are amazing!
Kick the tires and light the fires, problem ofilciafly solved!
OH MY! What BEAUTIFUL cookies…i have NEVER seen anything like this!……just wanted to say thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world…we need more people like you…. 🙂
True example of your lovely work
oh nice
A whole new perspective to cookie designing. I just love it! You are an artist!
Pingback: Royal Icing Eyes
i was wondering how you made the eyes, they look so realistic and well detailed….pls pls tell me more
thanks a lot 🙂
Nossa! Vou escrever em português porque não tenho como elogiar em inglês. Que obra de arte você fez com esses biscoitos! Estão lindos, perfeitos, muito bem feitos! Parabéns
I love all your cookies! Please tell us how do you make that beautiful face! Thank you. Blessings.