Peeps Easter Cookies Icing Palette and Color Formulas
Peeps, the iconic Easter candy, definitely cute, and sometimes controversial, are one of my all-time favorite cookies to make. They’re one of the very first ideas I found and bookmarked on Flickr, and nary an Easter goes by that I don’t make them. In fact, I believe this is the fourth Peeps-themed post to appear on this site!
That said, now that I’ve shared at least three ways to decorate Peeps cookies, I wanted to simplify the process further with easy, Peeps-colored icing formulas.
When posting color palletes, I always like to add a little disclaimer. Color is very personal. What’s beautiful to me, might be utterly revolting to you. Keep that in mind as you experiment.
Ultimately, the palettes I share are a guide. I create these formulas to make life a little easier for those of you in a hurry, or more interested in decorating than experimenting with color. If the colors in your imagination are more appealing, resist the urge to be literal, and make your own beautiful variation!
For reference, here are a few notes before I begin:
- With so many brands of gel color on the market, I tried to include alternate formulas. I have experience with many of them, so, if you have any questions or comments about what works for you, let me know in the comment section of this post.
- I use approximately 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of icing for each color, and if you want to get crazy specific, about 120 grams. You can make more or less, depending on your needs.
- If possible, color icing in good, natural light. A poorly lit workspace can make it tough to accurately mix colors. I know this isn’t always realistic, especially if you do your decorating at night, but if at all possible, try to work in the best lighting possible.
- Icing colors tend to develop, or deepen, over time. Some colors develop a little, others a lot. It’s always wise to mix colors ahead of time and a shade or two lighter than you’d like the final product to appear, especially when you’re working with pink, purple, and sky blue as in this post. A little of each goes a very long way!
1. Peeps Yellow
Nothing fancy here, just three drops of Americolor Lemon Yellow. I get my Americolor gel paste colors here.
Alternate Formulas:
- 3 drops Cookie Countess Sunshine Yellow
- 3 Drops Chef Master Lemon Yellow
2. Peeps Pink
To make Peeps pink, add 2-3 drops of Artisan Accents Pink-alicious. Remember, it’s okay to go a few shades lighter than what you’d like the final color to be. It will deepen in time.

- 2 drops Cookie Countess Preppy Pink
3. Peeps Purple
To make Peeps purple, mix two drops Artisan Accents Deep Purple and two toothpick points of Artisan Accents Pink-alicious. Again, these colors pack a powerful punch, so, take it easy. It’s much easer to add color than it is to take it away.
Alternate Formulas:
- 2 Drops Chefmaster Violet and 2 scant toothpick touches of Cookie Countess Preppy Pink or Wilton Rose or Color Right Pink
4. Peeps Blue
The only thing necessary for Peeps Blue is two scant drops of Americolor Sky Blue. Beware, this color is stout! All colors develop over time, but this one is particularly powerful!
Alternate Color Formulas:
- 1 drop Chefmaster Sky Blue (I’ll caution you again, this one is intense!)
Whether you love them or hate them, Peeps are undeniably cute, and iconically Easter. Now, that you have the color formulas, you can make Peeps cookies to your heart’s content. The only thing left to decide is sanding sugar, or no sanding sugar, an entirely separate controversy!
Color mixing is one of my favorite aspects of cookie decorating. I hope to share more palettes in the coming months and I would love to hear suggestions for future color-realated topics or formulas. In the meantime, be sure to check out and follow my Icing Color board on Pinterest. It’s filled with helpful tips and information. For more ideas and inspiration, check out the following posts:
- Recipe: Royal Icing For Cookie Decorating
- How to Make Decorated Peeps Cookies
- How to Make Perfect Pastel Icing via Lila Loa
- How to Make Peeps Cookies with a Bunny Face Cookie Cutter
- How to Make Beautifully Coordinated Icing Colors
- Sweet Sugarbelle Printable Color Chart